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How Do You File For Workers' Comp In South Carolina?

At the Law Office of Tyler Rody, our experienced workers' compensation attorney is ready to fight for your rights as you focus on recovery. Contact us today to request a free consultation.

February 24, 2023

Being injured on the job can be a traumatizing experience. While you must focus on your recovery, filing for workers' compensation can be incredibly beneficial. Unfortunately, it can be confusing and difficult to understand how to file for workers' comp in South Carolina.

Spartanburg workers' compensation attorney Tyler Rody can walk you through making a workers' compensation claim, ensuring you get the best possible outcome.

What is a Workers' Compensation Claim?

A workers' compensation claim is made by an employee who has suffered an injury at work or has fallen ill due to something hazardous in the workplace. You can obtain compensation for medical expenses, income replacement, and any lasting disability or impairment to your body. You must have been injured while performing your job duties to receive benefits.

When Do I Need to File a Workers' Compensation Claim in South Carolina?

You have two years from the date you sustained the injury to file a workers' compensation claim. The claim can be barred if you fail to file a claim within that period. In addition, you must notify your employer about your injuries within 90 days of the accident. However, it's best to do so as soon as possible. 

You can file a workers' compensation claim even if your injury or illness is not immediately apparent. For example, suppose you develop an occupational disease due to long-term exposure to a hazardous substance. In that case, you can make a claim even if the symptoms do not appear until years after the exposure.

Who Files the Workers’ Compensation Claim?

If you sustain injuries or develop an occupational disease on the job in South Carolina, it is generally your responsibility as the employee to notify your employer. Your employer should then file the claim with the South Carolina workers' compensation commission.

If your claim is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision and request a hearing with the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission. If you choose to appeal your employer's decision, it's best to hire a skilled and knowledgeable attorney to represent you during the appeal and hearing process. 

How a Workers' Compensation Attorney Can Help

A workers' compensation attorney is a legal professional who provides legal support to individuals who have been injured at their workplaces. These lawyers can help you navigate the system and ensure you obtain the benefits you are entitled to.

A Spartanburg workers' compensation attorney can help you understand your options under the South Carolina workers' compensation system. They can also help you collect and present sufficient evidence to support your claim.

The lawyer can handle the negotiations with your employer and the insurance company to ensure you receive a fair settlement. If your employer or the insurance company dismisses your claim, your attorney can fight for your rights in court. While it is possible to file a workers' compensation claim without an attorney, it is often in your best interest to have one by your side.

Contact a Spartanburg Workers' Compensation Attorney

At the Law Office of Tyler Rody, our experienced workers' compensation attorney is ready to fight for your rights as you focus on recovery. Contact us today to request a free consultation.

Tyler Rody

Tyler Rody


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